Medical Devices

Retractable Technologies, Inc.

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Retractable Technologies, Inc. is the manufacturer of VanishPoint® and Patient Safe® safety products. VanishPoint® products retract the needle directly
from the patient, effectively reducing exposure to the contaminated needle. Patient Safe® syringes are uniquely designed to reduce the risk of bloodstream infections resulting from catheter hub contamination.


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Retractable Technologies, Inc. is the manufacturer of VanishPoint® and Patient Safe® safety products. VanishPoint® products retract the needle directly from the patient, effectively reducing exposure to the contaminated needle. VanishPoint® retractable products include injection devices, blood collection tube holders, blood collection sets and IV catheters. Patient Safe® syringes are uniquely designed to reduce the risk of bloodstream infections resulting from catheter hub contamination.

Vyaire Medical

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Vyaire Medical supports and improves the lives of patients with a laser focus on improving patient outcomes and increasing value for customers. The company offers innovative device and service solutions across the respiratory and anesthesia continua of care. Vyaire offers a comprehensive portfolio of arterial blood gas sampling options for protection and accuracy when it’s needed most.
