CerTest VIASURE Tick Borne Diseases Real Time PCR Detection

Last updated: 02nd February, 2022

Products are for professional/laboratory use only.

Tick borne diseases comprise a group of infections transmitted to humans by the bite of ticks infected with bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Tick borne diseases affecting humans include: Lyme disease, relapsing fever, Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, Q fever, tick-borne encephalitis and spotted fever among others.

Since most tick borne diseases show similar symptoms, diagnosis can be problematic. Real time PCR assays have been shown to be a sensitive and specific diagnostic tool for the detection of the causative agent.

VIASURE Tick Borne Diseases real time PCR detection kit is designed for the specific identification and differentiation of viral RNA or genomic DNA specific for tick borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), Rickettsia spp., Babesia microti, Babesia divergens, Ehrlichia chafeensis, Ehrlichia muris, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.), Borrelia miyamotoi and/or Borrelia hermsii, Anaplasma phagocitophylum and/or Coxiella burnetii in blood, serum, tissue samples and microbiological culture from ticks, biopsy skin, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and synovial fluid from patients with signs and symptoms of tick borne diseases.

This test is intended for use as an aid in the diagnosis of tick borne diseases in combination with clinical and epidemiological risk factors.

RNA/DNA is extracted from clinical specimens, multiplied using real-time amplification and detected using fluorescent reporter dye probes specific TBEV, Rickettsia spp., Babesia microti, Babesia divergens, Ehrlichia chafeensis, Ehrlichia muris, Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., Anaplasma phagocitophylum and Coxiella burnetii.

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Main features of the CerTest VIASURE RT PCR include:

  • Ready to use lyophilised master mix with internal QC to improve workflow
  • Transport and storage at room temperature allows for ease of storage
  • Long shelf life 24 months
  • Same thermocycler protocol for all kits, allows for concurrent testing of different assays
  • Compatible with numerous open thermal cyclers to adapt to current laboratory workflow

CerTest VIASURE RT PCR kits available in Australia

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CerTest VIASURE RT PCR kits available in New Zealand

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