
As an environmentally responsible company, Abacus dx is actively involved in protecting and caring for our planet.

Some of the measures we undertake to ensure we remain a sustainable company include:

  • We measure purchases of paper and paper-based products and have simple projects in place to encourage minimising paper use
  • Our ‘Reduce and Recycle’ project relates to not only office materials but all office-based consumption. All staff are encouraged to recycle waste and paper materials
  • We use recycled paper wherever possible for our office stationery and in the generation of our marketing and promotional material
  • Our warehouse has introduced the use of environmentally friendly packaging to replace styrofoam in our product shipments. This ‘rice-based’ product is completely biodegradable and requires far less energy consumption in production.
  • Electricity usage is the major contributor to our carbon footprint.  We have a timer installed on our air conditioning unit in our head office to ensure that the plant does not run longer than necessary thereby reducing excess electricity consumption.
  • We have recently formed a sustainability committee to continually review and improve our sustainability measures


