Aidian QuikRead go easy CRP
Last updated: 12th November, 2020
Products are for professional/laboratory use only.
The QuikRead go easy CRP is an easy to use and reliable point-of-care test, which gives quantitative CRP test results within 2 minutes.
The unique one-step Sample Collector used with the QuikRead go easy CRP minimizes hands-on steps and enables fast and easy CRP testing.
Unique one-step Sample Collector
- Fast and easy sample collection improves workflow
- Convenient for the patient
Room temperature storage up to +25 °C
- Easy to store in the health care unit
- Enables immediate use, no need to warm up the reagents
Reliable CRP results in minutes
- CRP measuring range from whole blood is 1−200 mg/l and 1−120 mg/l with serum or plasma samples
QuikRead go multianalyte point-of-care system
- Portable and fully automatic point-of-care system
- Bi-directional connectivity to most HIS and LIS systems
Reducing antibiotic prescription rates
- Using Quikread go CRP test in GP clinics and ECU departments has been proven to lower antibiotic prescription rates by up to 17% through differentiation between viral and bacterial infections