eGROSS pro-x – the most innovative & safe grossing workstation

Last updated: 19th January, 2021

Products are for professional/laboratory use only.  This all-in-one grossing workstation has been specifically designed to integrate state of the art tools and standardization into a 21st century system for the dissection of gross tissues. Some of its features are: an enhanced process documentation, safety, flexibility and cost effectiveness.

The eGROSS pro-x is the first to incorporate the digital power of specimen identification and the dissection documentation, creating a standardized, image documenting protocol. It can create a custody chain that assures quality at the source of tissue selection and cassette generation from the gross room throughout histology to the pathologist’s desk.

Highest safety standards for both the user and the specimens

The eGROSS captures digital documentation enabling innovative laboratories to seek not only high quality but also work simplification and standardization in pursuit of the “virtual” and dictation-less lean laboratory operations.

See the Milestone eGROSS pro-x in action

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Documentation? Quality assurance? No problem!

The MacroPATH pro-x, integrated with the eGROSS pro-x, is a userorientedcapture and storage system for macro digital images of patient specimens. It dramatically reduces specimen turnaround time at the grossing station compared to the conventional shoot and capture of handheld systems. Autofocus, auto-light adjustment, and hands-free operations, through a foot pedal, enable users to concentrate on the patient’s case without manual intervention.

Find out more about the Milestone eGROSS pro-x

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